People are, unfortunately, familiar with medical emergencies, yet most don’t consider or expect to need emergency dental services. However, dental emergencies can happen at any time and they can be quite scary.
A dental emergency requires getting proper services immediately since postponing treatment can result in life-threatening outcomes. Therefore, it’s essential to know what to do if you or your family require emergency dentistry in Redding, CA. If you are experiencing symptoms that require emergency dentistry near you, Riverbend Family Dental Care is available for help.
A dental emergency requires immediate treatment to avoid potentially life-threatening circumstances. This includes excessive, unstoppable bleeding and/or compromised breathing. Some patients are at greater risk for severe complications to their oral health. These include patients who have had recent oral surgery, suffered an oral bacterial infection, or experienced an injury to the head or jaw area. These patients should understand how to access emergency services from our dentist in Redding, CA.
In general, there are three conditions that indicate a dental emergency:
If any oral symptoms are present that include uncontrolled bleeding or compromised breathing, call Dr. Stratton immediately for emergency services. Urgent dental symptoms such as severe oral pain or permanent tooth loss should be addressed as soon as possible. However, life-threatening conditions should result in immediate emergency treatment with our dentist near you.
The goal of emergency dentistry is to address any life-threatening oral symptoms immediately. Severe tooth or jaw pain, moderate oral swelling, or loss of any permanent teeth can appear to be dental emergencies. These situations certainly require urgent dental care but are often not life-threatening to the patient.
Contact Riverbend Family Dental Care to understand more about emergency dentistry near you. Make sure that you and your family are prepared for emergency dental services if they are necessary. Follow up with Dr. Stratton if you have received emergency oral care.