Parents may have a difficult time ensuring that their children are taking good care of their teeth. This is especially true for children whose permanent molars are emerging through the gums. Excellent oral health habits are essential to avoid the effects of tooth decay. However, many parents find it challenging to teach and monitor their children’s techniques for proper brushing and flossing each day.
Our dentist in Redding, CA, wants to provide you and your family with the best preventive oral care. Dental sealants help prevent tooth decay in molars, especially for young children. Our dentist near you will apply a protective coating to these back teeth as a preventive measure to keep cavities from forming. Riverbend Family Dental Care offers the protection of dental sealants in Redding, CA.
Sealants provide protection against material that causes tooth decay, especially in children who are more at risk for oral health issues. This protection can save parents time and money as a preventive measure against cavities, which would require future dental treatments such as fillings.
It’s important to remember that sealants don’t replace excellent at-home oral health habits in either children or adults. However, they are an added effective measure of prevention against tooth decay along with excellent oral hygiene.
The protective coating of sealants guards the surface of teeth against bacteria, acid, and other forms of decay. This allows for positive outcomes for children and their future oral health. Molars tend to retain food particles in their crevices, which can be difficult to thoroughly clean, despite excellent brushing and flossing. These lingering particles break down into acid, causing the surfaces of back teeth to decay. This results in cavities and other potential damage.
Covering molars with sealant material reduces the risk of forming cavities. During an in-office visit, Dr. Stratton will apply sealant coating to the grooves of molars with a special instrument to ensure it hardens and adheres to each tooth. Over time, sealants can be reapplied if necessary.
Sealants significantly reduce the negative effects of tooth decay in molars. This enhances long-term protection against cavities and helps children maintain good oral health. Contact Riverbend Family Dental Care for information about getting sealants near you with Dr. Stratton.